Working Dog profile The purpose of maintaining this profile is to ensure that all working dogs are properly documented, monitored, and maintained to high standards of health, behaviour, and performance. Dog Identification:Date DD dash MM dash YYYY Name: [Dog's Name] Breed: [Dog's Breed] Age: [Dog's Age] Microchip Number: Sex:Select:MaleFemaleHealth and Medical Information:Vaccination Records:[Details of recent vaccinations and dates]Recent Health Check: [Date and summary of the last health check]Veterinary Contact: [Veterinarian’s Name and Contact Information]Training and Certification:Training Level: L2 Award for a Security Dog Handler Pathway: General Purpose Security Dog Handler Team – NASDU certification Tick appropriate boxesCertification details : Achieved annual assessment of basic skills knowledge and understanding required Tick appropriate boxesCertification date: DD dash MM dash YYYY Name of the handler assigned to the dog: First Last SIA Licence No: Handler NASDU No: Daily Care Routine:Feeding Schedule: [Details on feeding times and diet]Exercise Routine: [Details on exercise times and activities]Grooming: Brushed every other day Bathed once a month unless working condition requires more Nails trimmed bi-weekly Tick appropriate boxesBehavioural Notes:Temperament: Loyal: Strongly attached to its handler Very protective of handler Calm under pressure Always alert and aware, reacting promptly to threats Can be stubborn, requiring firm handling May be over-assertive around strangers or animals Tick appropriate boxesSocialization: Sociable and approachable with familiar people Gets along with some dogs, but cautious with others More guarded when meeting unfamiliar humans Enjoys playtime with familiar dogs, relaxed demeanour Well-behaved and manageable in public spaces Tick appropriate boxesSpecial Skills: Trained to detect specific scents Skilled in tracking missing persons or suspects over various terrains Expert in patrolling areas, detecting and deterring intruders Equipped for search and rescue missions Skilled in managing and controlling crowds safely Highly disciplined with strong command responsiveness Tick appropriate boxesEmergency Contacts:Primary Handler Name First Last Primary HandlerPhonePrimary HandlerSecondary Handler Select: No Yes Secondary Handler Name First Last Secondary HandlerPhoneSecondary HandlerPhoto evidence attached:(Required) NASDU certificate Veterinary Health Certificates File 1Max. file size: 256 MB.File 2Max. file size: 256 MB.HiddenOffice use onlyHiddenAssessed by: First Last HiddenDate DD dash MM dash YYYY HiddenPosition HiddenSignatureHiddenFollow up actions